Paula Vedoveli
I am an Assistant Professor of International History at the School of International Relations at Getulio Vargas Foundation. I earned a B.A. in History (Summa cum Laude) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, an M.A. in International Relations from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, and a PhD. in History from Princeton University (2019).
My book manuscript, tentatively titled Brokering Capital: Sovereign Creditworthiness and the Making of Global Finance, 1851—1914, examines how Brazil and Argentina emerged as massive debtors in the second half of the nineteenth century. Brokering Capital maps the incomplete transition from a cosmopolitan regime of sovereign creditworthiness based on personal judgment and private capital to one supported by the expansion of economic indicators and the emerged of investment analysts in the early twentieth century
Over the last years, I have conducted multi-archival research in the United Kingdom, the United States, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, and France. I am interested in the global history of capitalism, the history of quantification and calculation, the history of information, the history of the future, the history of technology, and the social and cultural history of the long nineteenth century.