An opportunity for personal and professional growth abroad
IR students are able to participate in exchanges, immersions and volunteer work abroad, giving them practical experience in an international environment. In order to prepare students for these experiences, a significant part of the course subjects will be offered in English.
Learn more about internationalization for FGV RI students. Exchange programs, whether short or long term, offer great opportunities for intellectual, professional and personal development.
At FGV RI, internationalization is transversal to the entire program: a good part of the regular courses are taught in English, giving students the necessary training to write, debate and negotiate in a foreign language at a professional level. In addition, we value the identification and creation of new partnerships.
FGV IR has partnerships with educational institutions of excellence on five continents. Students can participate in programs such as:
- Academic exchange programs abroad (6 months to 1 year in duration);
- Summer courses at top universities worldwide;
- Summer internships and volunteer programs at international organizations;
- Immersion trips to Brasília, border regions and international organizations;
FGV has a network of partnerships that encompasses excellent educational institutions on all continents.