1st Semester
Introduction to International Relations
Introduction to Economics
International History
English for International Relations
Mathematical Methods I
Skills Clinics I
2nd Semester
IR Theory I - War and Peace
Mathematical Methods II
International Political Philosophy
Skills Clinic II
3rd Semester
International Relations Theory II - International Norms and Institutions
Probability and Statistics
International Law
Skills Clinics III
4th Semester
International Relations Theory III - Transnational Governance
International Political Economy
Econometrics and Causal Inference
Skills Clinics IV
5th Semester
International Relations Theory IV - International Security
International Development
Game Theory Applied to IR
Contemporary Brazilian Foreign Policy
Elective Subjects
6th Semester + Internship
International Relations Theory V - Normative Theories
Comparative Politics
Elective Subjects
7th Semester + Internship
Research Seminar I
Elective Subjects
8th Semester + Internship
Research Seminar II
Advanced Topics in IR
Elective Subjects
Mandatory Subjects
Theory and Political Analysis track
The collection of subjects in the Theory and Political Analysis track includes five courses in International Relations theory (introduction to IR, political violence, international norms and institutions, transnational governance, international security and normative theories), in addition to mandatory courses in global history, comparative politics, contemporary foreign policy, international political philosophy and international law.
Economics and Quantitative Methods track
The collection of subjects in the Economics and Quantitative Methods track includes mandatory courses in micro and macroeconomics, international political economy, international development, game theory as it is applied to International Relations, data science, probability and statistics, and econometrics and causal inference.
Professional Workshops track
The Professional Workshops develop five set of skills and competencies.
Communication : Oratory and debate techniques, speech writing, negotiation techniques, text writing for the press, textual production for clients.
Career Planning: Career path determinants, time management, professional management of social media, curriculum building.
Strategic planning: Advocacy campaigns, stakeholder mapping, and impact evaluation.
Social and Team Skills: Conflict mediation, management of multicultural teams, work-oriented psychology, comunication techniques.
Knowledge Management: such as through the Office Package, the Bloomberg Terminal, and other data visualization tools
Elective Subjects
Our list of electives includes both courses offered during the academic semester and intensive courses during the winter and summer holidays. In addition, students can take courses taught by other FGV Schools in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília. It is also possible to take courses taught jointly with our partner institutions abroad. Click here for a non-exhaustive list of courses offered.
Complementary Training
FGV IR's Complementary Training programs seek to integrate students into a changing world. Our goal is to establish the School as a center of excellence that provides its graduates with the most complete and up-to-date tools to either enter the job market or to conduct cutting-edge research in their segment of study.
Complementary Training in Data Science
This program allows each student to specialize in the Data Science field by taking 240 hours of elective courses. In addition to the course credits, students who seek to obtain the complementary training certification in this program must also select data science related theme for their undergraduate dissertation.
Complementary Training in International Business
This program allows each student to specialize in the International Business field by taking 240 hours of elective courses. In addition to the course credits, students who seek to obtain the complementary training certification in this program must also select an international-business-related theme for their undergraduate dissertation.
Complementary activities
Undergraduate Research
The Undergraduate Research program introduces students to life in scientific production by offering training in research techniques and methods under the direct guidance of qualified professionals. The program aims to develop skills and competencies relevant not only to a successful academic career, but also to other fields in general. At the end of their year-long project, each participant produces an academic paper of approximately 10,000 words, and before a seminar composed of professors and colleagues.
Writing Workshop
The Writing Workshop offers specialized support in both Portuguese and English writing skills through 30-minute sessions with a teacher.
The ability to concentrate and be disciplined in one’s studies is a common challenge for all students. With good training, however, students are able to increase productivity and decrease procrastination. The FGV IR Work Retreat offers a study space without distractions. The activities are supervised by teachers, who provide tips and support to the participants. At the beginning of each meeting, students define objectives and study goals, such as reading a text, completing a list of exercises, or structuring an essay. Each Work Retreat lasts 3 hours and is divided into blocks: during the first 10 minutes, each participant outlines his or her objectives for the session, and then the group does 50-minute work blocks each, in which no one talks or uses cell phones or the internet, eliminating any kind of distraction. There are 10-minute breaks for collective relaxation between the blocks. At the end of the meeting, participants set medium-term goals for the following day or week, resulting in greater study routine organization.
FGV IR currently offers two workshops to its students: the Organization and Time Management Workshop and the Digital Wellness Workshop. Both are voluntary activities.
In the Organization and Time Management Workshop, our students learn how to set goals and prepare weekly and daily plans, as well as how to develop strategies and tools to increase productivity and deal with procrastination.
In the Digital Wellness Workshop, students develop strategies to cultivate a more positive and selective online presence, including ways to promote autonomy in regard to social networks and how to use them more productively, as well as acquiring tools to deal with the large amount of information available in the virtual world.
Supervised Internship
As part of the FGV IR program, students are required to complete 460h of supervised internship in Brazil or abroad, in up to three academic semesters. In addition, students can complete a remote internship during their vacations.
Undergraduate Dissertation
To complete their degree, each student must attend a dissertation seminar and write a research paper, which will later be evaluated by a panel appointed by the School. On average, each dissertation is around 10,000 words in length. The objective of this task is to closely examine some specific aspect of International Relations by applying theories and research methods from the IR discipline. The type of dissertation is chosen by each student according to his or her professional interests. For those interested in landing a job in the private sector or in international organizations, we recommend the completion of a Capstone Project: a study that applies theoretical and methodological knowledge to a practical problem, as a way of signaling to potential employers the skills and competencies acquired during their university years. For those who intend to continue their studies in a graduate program (master's and doctorate) abroad, we suggest including the dissertation as a writing sample in their application.
Specialization courses (latu senso)
After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the International Relations program, students can opt to take a specialization course in International Business or Data Science for International Relations to obtain the title of specialist (postgraduate latu senso). Each specialization has a total workload of 360 hours, and students who have completed one of the complementary courses during graduation can debit the 240 hours already taken. Therefore, students who have completed one of the complementary courses during their undergraduate studies can obtain the specialist diploma with an additional 120 hours of coursework, in what we informally call the "fifth year". As part of the specialization, each student writes and defends a dissertation in which the theories and techniques studied during the course are applied.
Specialization in Data Science for International Relations
The Specialization in Data Science for International Relations certifies students in a 360-hour long course (lato sensu in Brazil) and requires participants to present a dissertation before a specialized examining board. Students are trained in programming, database creation and management, causal inference experiments, network analysis, and data visualization. The FGV IR program allows student to complete up to 240 hours of this specialization course by taking have the Complementary Training in Data Science for International Relations Course. The specialization program is open to all members of the community.
Specialization in International Business
The Specialization in International Business certifies students in a 360-hour long course (lato sensu in Brazil) and requires participants to present a dissertation before a specialized examining board. Students are trained in project management, strategic planning, market research and intelligence, negotiation tactics, business analytics and accounting. The FGV IR program allows student to complete up to 240 hours of this specialization course by taking the Complementary Training in International Business Course. The specialization program is open to all members of the community.